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What can I teach on EduMax site?
You can teach a wide variety of topics, including Design, Photography, Business, Entrepreneurship, Film, Fashion, Music, Technology, Writing, Creativity and more. As long as they meet our standards for Minimum Education. This is for anyone—around the world—who has the will to never stop learning.
Select a Topic to Teach
Choose a topic selection that you feel confident enough to teach about. Plan out your course structure in a way that students would love to learn. There are millions of eager students who’re willing to learn from you!
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Teach what you know, or teach what you love. You can create a course on almost anything. Millions of students are waiting, eager to learn and we’re here to help you make it happen.
Earn from your courses
Our Partner Program is where you'll have the opportunity to earn money through our royalty pool. Plus, you'll be compensated for new Premium Members.
Intelligent Course Builder
Who can teach on Skillshare
Anyone can teach a class. As long as your class adheres to our Publishing Guidelines, it can be published on Skill share. The here to help you make it happen.
Start sharing your course
Teach what you know, or teach what you love. You can create a course on almost anything. Millions of students are waiting, eager to learn and we’re here to help you make it happen.